Sunday, November 28, 2010

A little bit Martha and a little bit Bob

We had a Martha Stewart/Bob Vila weekend.

The Martha in me whilled up these Guiness Cupcakes and Baileys Buttercream frosting. I was curious to try this new recipe and also really wanted to try out my new cupcake stand. Huge rave thumbs up on both the recipe and the stand.

Martha was on the ball and dragged the tubs of Christmas decorations out of the basement.

Then the Bob got in on the fun and decided to sand and prime the kitchen drawers. This cabinet project has been going on for what feels like years. I think I can see the finish line though.

And..back to Martha.

Putting up Christmas decorations this early is a first for us. I even started my (online) shopping!

The million dollar question: Will the kitchen projects be done by the end of the year?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday Shopping Deal

$7.99 for a bottle of BV Cabernet. This is my kind of Black Friday shopping.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Weekend

This was a fabulous weekend. We had no plans, and yet lots of cool things to do. We had no to-do list of chores, just fun, kids and celebrations. We snuggled babies, attended a warm and loving pre Thanksgiving lunch with a friend's family and drooled over the gorgeousness of Tim's brother's wedding photos. A few happy tears leaked out as I laid eyes on my BFF's engagement photos. I saw an April bride trying on her newly cleaned wedding dress. I saw Anthony Bourdain speak. Tim and I went on a Saturday night date. And I just polished off the last of the holiday cookies that we were sent home with today. I am feeling spoiled with love.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

4am wake up call

Tim and I were jolted awake the other day by a sound we couldn't actually remember but it had us sitting bolt upright at 4am. When we got up to investigate, it was too dark to see much. We only heard the gusting wind as it rushed past our windows at 40 mph. When we got up in the morning, we saw the source of the giant crash. Roof, meet trees.

Tim swears that a tornado touched down which caused the tree to be ripped out of the ground, but I can't find any mention of a tornado in any local weather reports.

Thanks to Tim staying home to make a dozen phone calls to roofers, the electric company, and tree folks, the roof is patched, the tree is cut down and chopped into neat pieces for firewood. This home ownership stuff is a blast. :)