Sunday, November 20, 2011


We've been so busy that the holidays have completely snuck up on me. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is already next week! We have so much to be grateful for. For me, this year is not about decorations or turkeys, it's about love. About family. Friends.

This time of year always has me reflecting on the past year and this one has been a doozy. Around March, I didn't know how I would get by. I was lost and it was simply about putting one foot in front of the other. And I did that for a long time. But somewhere along that path, it became about living again, not simply surviving. T and I burned the candle at both ends this fall. We traveled, we ate, we spent time with friends. We split the Newburyport Half Marathon. Ate and drank our way through the NYC Food and Wine Festival Closing Party. Went back to Chicago. I spent a wonderfully healing weekend with a dear friend in NYC. Cuddled with my nephew and my new niece in CA. Spent a day at the Hall of Fame. In short, we lived.

When I look back at 2011, I'm not going to remember the bad times. They exist for me now only to remind me of how lucky I am. Our family and friends are the story of this year. I've always been aware of how wonderful my family is but it holds a whole different meaning to me now. I am completely overwhelmed with the love and support that we have received this year. I have never been more aware of how much love exists in our little world and how many amazing people we are blessed with. My heart is full this year and at Thanksgiving, I will be giving thanks for healthy parents, children who grow like weeds, friends who are always there to listen and tell you to buy those boots because you deserve them. :)

My heart is full.