Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Before and After: Deck!

You know I love before and after photos...especially from a project that has been on our list for a very long time. T and his friends spent a Saturday a few weeks ago, tearing up the old decking and replacing the cracked wood with shiny new boards. That don't have splinters. And that are not green. It's fabulous.

The before

 And the after..
 They even replaced my bench. I love this bench and all of the seating that it offers. When we bought the house, I had visions of enjoying a cup of coffee outside. Now I actually can. Bliss.
 My very own Ty Pennington! The man who was nervous about operating a power saw is now in the market to buy one. He is deciding what else he can build. I love it and I love him. and I love the deck he built. :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I've been around but haven't felt like writing. I have had a growing list of things I wanted to write about but just didn't have the motivation. The last few months have been stuffed full of travel, friends, and new experiences but I just haven't felt like sharing. I guess I've become a bit more introspective lately, preferring to process things on my own instead of getting them out here. The downside of that for me is that I can get lost in my own head.

I started this blog for T and I, so we could look back someday on our wild and crazy days and remember everything that had made us who we are. I've definitely dropped the ball on that and I'm going to change that. This blog has been a way to keep in touch with long distance family and friends, and a Doogie Howser style journal for me and I'm bringing it back. I need it.

My first post back will be tomorrow with our new deck! T and I have been branching out a lot in terms of our comfort level with new projects. He is very thoughtful, preferring to plan it out ahead of time and know exactly how it needs to go. I am more adventurous. All I need is a material list and a rough idea and I'm off and running. Together, we make the perfect carpenter. And we're no longer afraid of power tools.

As I type this, there are three men outside, ripping off the old warped boards and trying to figure out how to save my beloved wooden bench. I can't wait to see the finished project. This is a big item that will come off our TO-DO list and I'm thrilled.